Die Berliner Festspiele versammeln verschiedene eigenständige Festivals, die sie ausrichten. Die Festivals widmen sich Musik, Theater, Performance, Tanz, Literatur oder Bildender Kunst. Die Veranstaltungen finden im Haus der Berliner Festspiele statt, aber auch in geringerem Umfang an anderen Orten der Stadt, die auch andere Berliner Festivals nutzen. Ähnlich wie die Wiener Festwochen begannen die Berliner Read the full article… »»»»
Experimental Electronic
WiseUp 08/2017 Wiener Festwochen – Performeum:Hyperreality:Hysteria
Wiseupradio explores another club culture avantgarde festival called Hyperreality. HR is part of the Wiener Festwochen, which are happening since the 1950s and are showcasing cutting edge cultural productions in music, theatre or fine arts. This year a new creative director & curatorial team started their work. Postcolonial approaches and diversity discourses framed the agenda Read the full article… »»»»
WiseUp! 12/2016 Elevate Festival
This months program is focusing on the Austrian Elevate Festival, which has been taking place for the 12th time this year in Graz. Elevate offers a musical journey away from well-known Best-Of-Sets, challenging artists and audiences alike. Elevate strives to analyze current social developments – aiming to present alternatives, which can contribute to a better future. »»»»
WiseUp! 06/2016 Heart of Noise Festival 2016
„Das HEART OF NOISE-Festival führt den Hörer dorthin, wo das Zentrum der Töne, Klänge und Geräusche liegt, in das Zentrum der momentanen Avantgarde.“ (HON press-text) Der 1. Teil eines Rückblicks auf das Innsbrucker Festival, das seit 2011 Sound Art, aber vor allem musikalische Perspektiven elektronischer und experimenteller Musik der Gegenwart zeigt. Auch Jean Michel Jarre hat dieses Jahr einen Beitrag zum Thema gemacht. Und doch ist das Ganze ein Aufwärmen für den 2. Teil, der einen der FestivalkünstlerInnen – nämlich Jaques Palminger – in den Fokus nimmt. »»»»
WiseUp! 02/2016 – Jerusalem In My Heart & CTM 2016
This edition is dealing with the so called „new“ geographies in the global musical landscape, which was the theme of CTM festival 2016 which invited several artists from Lebanon, Indonesia or Egypt which WiseUp will focus. I took the chance and interviewed Radwan Ghazi Moumneh at CTM – a Canadian musician with Lebanese roots, who’s project Jerusalem In My Heart has been lingering around for 10 years as a live project, but has become more known since he released his debut album 2013. »»»»
WiseUp! 01/2016 Lena Willikens & Review 2015
This is the annual end of the year review and a preview to CTM festival 2016. There were loads of great releases in 2015! For example Lena Willikens – who released her EP Phantom Delia in early 2015, and we did an interview April 2015 @ Rokolectiv Festival. For the past five years, she has been in charge of long and sweaty Friday night parties at Düsseldorf’s Salon Des Amateurs. She is also a dedicated member of the Cómeme records tribe. As a DJ, radio broadcaster (check out her show Sentimental Flashback), producer, and Theremin player, Lena is never committed to one style, all is welcome as long as it is twisted the in a one-of-a-kind way. When she spins records she likes to let herself go in the name of dance and free thought. »»»»
WiseUp! 09/2015 Felix Kubin
Felix Kubin, one half of the Hamburg based futuristic noise band Klangkrieg, lives and works against the rest of the world. His activities comprise Sci-Fi Pop/Noise/animation films/radio plays/experimental broadcasting. As the messenger of exploding lungs he started his label „Gagarin Records“ in 1998 and rules the „syndicate of counter-noise“ since 1999. His experiences both in electroacoustic music and strange electronic pop (that he followed already in the early 80ies) induced him to launch a vinyl record label for all kinds of Dada-Electronics on the edge of pop and experimental music. »»»»
WiseUp! 03/2015 Borusiade
My guest in the studio is this time Miruna, performing under the moniker of Borusiade (formally DJ Boru). She is a DJ and producer from Bukarest who is living in Berlin since many years. As part of the electronic music scene in Bukarest as well as Berlin we are listening to some of her new tracks and to other artists from Romania and get to know the Berlin based label Cómeme. We will take a preview on the Rokolectiv – festival for electronic music and related arts – in Bukarest end of april, where Borusiade will be playing. »»»»
WiseUp! 07/2014 – Heart Of Noise 2014: Robert Lippok & Philip Jeck
Anfang Juni fand das Heart of Noise Festival Innsbruck zum 4. Mal statt. Kuratorisch ist das Programm dieses Jahr an der Schnittstelle von abstrakter Club-Electronica zu Elektroakustik, Showgaze oder Ambient sowie harsh-noisigen Experimenten verortet. Wiseup macht einen musikalischen Spaziergang durch das Festival Lineup. Dazu gibt es einige Interviews – mit dem Musiker Robert Lippok und dem Videokünstler Lillevan, zwei Urgesteinen der Berliner Szene; mit dem Psychedelik-Ambient Duo Aun, der Multimedia-Aktivistin Holly Herndon und dem Ambient-Turntabelist Philip Jeck. »»»»