Julia Just. Now. Sonic quantums for a post-democracy Julia Just has been exploring, generating and manipulating electronic frequency spectra for some time now, but she has only been performing live under this name at local and national experimental events for around three years. Her long overdue debut “Analogy of the Unspoken” (TM014/WSMTML67) is therefore razor Read the full article… »»»»
My conversation with Evicshen /Victoria Shen in online now via Struma+Iodine

I am happy to let you know, that the conversation I had with Victoria Shen for Struma+Iodine in May, is finally online after her awsome gig at Westbahnstudios at Unsafe+Sounds festival in September. Here is a little teaser, in case you do not know her yet: “It is like sculpting experiences” – A conversation with Read the full article… »»»»
Interview with DJ Warzone online// strumandiodine.com
One of Viennas finest music event series “struma + iodine” finally has a proper home in the virtual world as well. Here host and organizer Shilla Strelka has curated writers, photographers, artists, musicians and other professionals for her wonderful homepage. As part of the team I got to interview DJ Warzone, and you can read Read the full article… »»»»