„Ich wünsche mir, dass die KünstlerInnen, die mit unseren Geräten etwas machen, sich auch zu ihren politischen Identitäten zu Wort melden und das wieder gelebt wird. Sonst brauchen wir auch über den Anteil der aktiven Frauen nicht mehr nachzudenken.“ Zum 3. Mal findet in Berlin die Syntheziser Messe Superbooth in Berlin statt. Sie bietet Read the full article… »»»»
April 2018
Don’t Go To Resonate: Artists pull out of the Belgrade Festival 2018 because of payment issues
„Don’t go to Resonate Festival in Belgrade – a warning to artists and audiences„, posted Thomas Ankersmit on April 17th, a day before the festival started. He writes: „Phill Niblock and myself played a two-hour concert to a full house at the Resonate Festival in Belgrade in April 2017. A year later we, among many Read the full article… »»»»
Sensorium Festival, Bratislava 2.-5.5.2018
The first Slovak conference making sense of creative technology. Sensorium is a festival with conference, workshops & showcase bridging the fields of computational art, design and performance. For the third year, a multidisciplinary community comes together to envision artistic futures and its impact on society. It is the genre-defining platform to experience possible futures of Read the full article… »»»»