WiseUp 01/2017 – Homage Mark Fisher & Zygmunt Bauman

Time goes by most of the time too fast. Another year full of interesting music passed and right at the beginning of the new year two remarkable thinkers pass away. As much as this is a review of pasts years music it is a homage to Mark Fisher & Zygmunt Bauman and their inspiring analysis of the moment. Following their stream of thoughts doesnt lead to lotusland or schlaraffenland but maybe to more awareness. So lets pause & linger in their discourse.

Zygmunt Bauman was one of the 20th Century’s influential sociologists. His core ideas during the last 20 years circled around the „liquidity“ of the present.
Mark Fisher was a music journalist and political theorist known as K-Punk – and a founder member of Warwick University’s Cybernetic Culture Research Unit, a multi-disciplinary academic body who brought together philosophy, cultural theory and contemporary music.

This review features exerpts of recent lectures they held and music releases of 2016.

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