The Mo.ë Records. Documents of a Canceled Future.
This book documents the former arts and music space mo.ë in Vienna and discusses issues related to gentrification and urban planning. It reflects on the invasive displacement of functioning arts spaces that are put up by the unpaid work of dedicated artists and activists which eventually leads to a valorization of the property and their seemingly inevitable eviction. This is how urban planning works today.
The publication gives witness to these processes directly from the field – refelected and documented by those who are affected by these unregulated neoliberal dynamics. The documentation is complemented by scientific texts that contextualize the phenomenon in a wider perspective.
I have written a text for this publication which deals with the relevance of music and art spaces for the city.
Authors: Alexandra Baybutt, Alisa Beck, Niels Boeing, ExRotaprint, Theresa Luise Gindlstrasser, Jacopo Lanteri, Bianca Ludewig, Elke Rauth, Marie-Christin Rissinger, Frida Robles.
03.05.2019, 19:30h
Kitchen – Zentrum der Tat, Schwarzhorngasse 1/Ecke Bacherplatz, 1050 Wien
Szenische Lesung mit Auszügen aus der Publikation und musikalischer Untermalung