
celebrating 20 years of female:pressure @ Mensch Meier Berlin, November 9th 2018

!!This event is open for every sex/gender!! female:pressure* is celebrating its 20 year anniversary! We are working at full speed, to compile a weekend of celebrating, listening, learning and exchanging. In the foreground of course other will be first-class music and art contributed by the artists of our network, as well as the development of Read the full article… »»»»

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WiseUp! 12/2016 Elevate Festival

This months program is focusing on the Austrian Elevate Festival, which has been taking place for the 12th time this year in Graz. Elevate offers a musical journey away from well-known Best-Of-Sets, challenging artists and audiences alike. Elevate strives to analyze current social developments – aiming to present alternatives, which can contribute to a better future. »»»»

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