This is the extended version of the “we love surveillance mix” originally made for a demo against masssurveillance and the BND, one of Germanys 3 institutions involved in the secret service and surveillance. This is the extended version for radio. »»»»
WiseUp! 09/2015 Felix Kubin
Felix Kubin, one half of the Hamburg based futuristic noise band Klangkrieg, lives and works against the rest of the world. His activities comprise Sci-Fi Pop/Noise/animation films/radio plays/experimental broadcasting. As the messenger of exploding lungs he started his label “Gagarin Records” in 1998 and rules the “syndicate of counter-noise” since 1999. His experiences both in electroacoustic music and strange electronic pop (that he followed already in the early 80ies) induced him to launch a vinyl record label for all kinds of Dada-Electronics on the edge of pop and experimental music. »»»»
We Love Surveillance – Mix By Jukebox Utopia »»»»
WiseUp! 08/2015 Gazelle Twin
Gazelle Twin is the stage name of Elizabeth Bernholz (née Walling) – a British composer, producer and musician from Brighton, England. After singing in bands and experimenting with classic and folk styles she discovered pop, darkwave, electronic, and experimental music which she produces as Gazelle Twin. After a demo and 2 previously released singles her debut album, The Entire City, was released in 2011 to critical acclaim. Her latest album, Unflesh, was The Quietus’ Album of the Year 2014. »»»»
WiseUp! 06/2015 Rokolectiv Festival – Future Nuggets Label
WiseUp went to Bukarest to attend the Rokolectiv – Festival for electronic music and related arts for its 10th anniversary and the program features an interview with Mihaela Vasile who creates and organizes the festival together with Cosmin Tapu. I used the time to do more interviews with artists and this time you can hear the interview with Bukarest based Ion Dumitrescu who runs this exciting romanian label. But Future Nuggets is also a collective of musicians from Romania and stands for a psychedelic scene, whether fictitious or real, waiting to be discovered. You will find out about wedding music from egypt and romania – like manele, proto-manele, the music of the albatros generation and other psychedelic sounds. »»»»
WiseUp! 03/2015 Borusiade
My guest in the studio is this time Miruna, performing under the moniker of Borusiade (formally DJ Boru). She is a DJ and producer from Bukarest who is living in Berlin since many years. As part of the electronic music scene in Bukarest as well as Berlin we are listening to some of her new tracks and to other artists from Romania and get to know the Berlin based label Cómeme. We will take a preview on the Rokolectiv – festival for electronic music and related arts – in Bukarest end of april, where Borusiade will be playing. »»»»
WiseUp! 02/2015 Die ersten Tage von Berlin – Der Sound der Wende
(Deutsch) Zu Gast ist der Journalist Ulrich Gutmair – Autor des Buchs “Die ersten Tage von Berlin – der Sound der Wende” mit dem sich diese Sendung intensiv beschäftigt. Das Buch ist eine Spurensuche in die Nachwendezeit von Berlin-Mitte und die Anfänge der lokalen Szene der elektronischen Musik. Gutmair liest Auszüge aus seinem Buch, spielt Platten aus dieser Zeit und beantwortet Fragen. Musik, Orte, Menschen, Geschichtsschreibung sowie die Erinnerung oder das Vergessen werden thematisiert. »»»»
WiseUp! 01/2015 Pure
(Deutsch) der pure wahnsinn: peter votavar aka pure war zu gast im studio. der wiener-berliner oldschooler intensiviert sein musikverhältnis 1990 als dj in wien und sein erstes solo album erscheint 1994. bekannt machten ihn vor allem seine abentheuer mit christopher just als ilsa gold in den 1990ern. seit dem sind genres wie experimental und dark ambient ebenso seine vertrauten wie breakcore/hardcore oder oldschool techno/acid/electro. Über all dies weiss er zu berichten, ebenso wie über seine projekte heart chamber orchestra, prszr, bolder oder musiksoftwareprogrammierung. wir tauchen in die tiefen der letzten schallplattenrille, streifen durch die diskografie und bringen rostschutz in die gehörgänge. »»»»